The right to education of girls, boys and adolescents in Mexico, an assessment of its fulfillment.
The general objective of this essay is to provide elements of analysis on the fulfillment of the obligations of the Mexican State to guarantee the right to education of girls, boys and adolescents. To achieve our goal, we rely on the four A's (4-A) scheme, proposed by the first Special Rapporteur on the right to education appointed by the United Nations (UN) in 1998, Katarina Tomaševski.
The essay is divided into three sections: the first reviews the international and national regulatory framework on the right to education; In the second, some educational indicators of the SEN corresponding to the 2013-2018 period are analyzed; 1, in the third, the main challenges faced by the SEN are identified so that each girl, boy and adolescent who lives and transits through our country can fully exercise their right to education. At the end of the essay, based on the analysis of the first two sections and the observations of various international human rights mechanisms made to the Mexican State, some reflections are presented.